Public Agency Safety & Preparedness Uncategorized

How the Red Cross Uses Nextdoor’s Innovative Public Services Platform to Connect with Communities and Reach Neighbours in Need

Trust matters. As one of Canada’s most trusted organizations, Canadian Red Cross is dedicated to reaching Canadians with information they can rely on. A core part of the community, they are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage with people and build a relationship before a disaster strikes.

With that in mind, Canadian Red Cross joined Nextdoor’s innovative public services platform when Nextdoor launched in Canada in September, 2019. At that time, their content focused on building a relationship with Canadians and sharing disaster preparedness best practices and tips. 

That all changed when the COVID-19 crisis hit. 

“When disaster strikes, Canadians turn online for trusted information,” says Sara Falconer, Canadian Red Cross. “They need real-time information that’s relevant to their communities, especially with the situation changing day-to-day.”

To help support Canadians, Red Cross immediately took action. They focused on engaging with people at a local level, providing timely updates about important topics, including how to prepare for COVID-19, how to avoid misinformation, mental health concerns during crisis, and even taking time to define relevant new terms like “social distancing.”

The reaction they found on Nextdoor was unlike any other platform. 

“The way neighbours seek to help each other is inspiring,” remarked Anna Teehan, Canadian Red Cross. “On other platforms, people may see our posts and pass by. On Nextdoor, they read every line, they build on it, and they reply by sharing helpful local experiences. They are focused on helping each other, and being constructive. This adds a depth and real-world experience to our official voice and advice that is amazing to see.”

An early Canadian Red Cross COVID-related post on Nextdoor shared what you should have in your ideal emergency preparedness kit. Members immediately responded to this post. “There was so much interaction with the members about what they have in their kits, and what was missing. The comments were constructive and specific. We’ve never seen that on other platforms,” remarked Teehan.  

For a post focused on taking care of your mental health during COVID-19, the Red Cross team was moved by the number of members who openly shared their own struggles, and the supportive response offered by their neighbours.  “It really shows how the community is truly taking care of one another on Nextdoor,” added Falconer. 

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Public agencies across Canada are utilizing Nextdoor. The core benefits are reaching a regionally specific audience, members dedicated to helping each other, and a built-in audience of verified residents.

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