Safety & Preparedness Tips & How-Tos

Tips to Keep Your Neighbourhood Healthy

We continue to see in times like this that having a neighbourhood to rely on is key. Neighbours turn to Nextdoor to lend a hand, lean on others when they need help the most and connect with local authorities, who can provide relevant, real-time information. 

We are actively tracking how the coronavirus is impacting communities around the world, and closely monitoring government partners to share important and timely information. It is with this in mind that we have gathered the following tips to help you, your family, and your neighbours to get prepared. 

  1. STAY INFORMED: To make sure you have the most up-to-date information, check the Public Health Agency of Canada website regularly and share the information with your neighbours. 
  2. BE PREPARED:  The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends Canadians “stock up on essentials but avoid panic.” If you run low on supplies, let neighbours know so they can share or direct you to available supplies at businesses in your local area. Should you become ill, it is important to have health supplies on hand including pain relievers, cough and cold medicines, and fluids with electrolytes.
  3. GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURS: Talk with your neighbours (particularly the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) about emergency planning and let them know you’re there to help. Localized community response can be critical during times when federal, provincial and local authorities are overwhelmed. 
  4. IDENTIFY AID ORGANIZATIONS IN YOUR COMMUNITY: Create a list of local organizations that you can contact for information, health care services, support, resources, and mental health or counseling services. Agency partners on Nextdoor, like the Red Cross, are an important resource for hyper-local information about developments in your city. You may also consider enabling push notifications to receive real-time, critical information in the form of Emergency Alerts from your local first responding departments. 
  5. CREATE AN EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST: Ensure your household has a current list of emergency contacts for family, friends, neighbours, carpool drivers, health care providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources.

We are here to help. Leverage our platform so you can stay connected to your neighbours — click here to invite your neighbours. And, for real-time updates, we encourage you to also visit the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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